
Comments (35)

What do you think?

... I for one find this title quite hilarious. Perhapsthe rest of you should shut the fuck up and stop whining like retards.
I just made that joke.

This is ridiculous! You are messing with a very controversial subject, knowing full well that it is controversial (as said in the description) and are hoping that causes more people to play your game. This is down right offensive to autism people everywhere. I mean what if I tried making a game called "Nigger Warfare?" Would that be funny? I hope you drop this project regardless of how much time it took you. This is going to give you nothing from hate and I completely doubt anyone is going to be giving you some kind of award for making this garbage. I personally know some people who have autism and this game is just a huge HAHAHA straight to their face! You have no idea how mad looking at this game makes me. I know you are trying to make something good here, and your only excuse is "We are terrible people." (which to me sounds like "Fuck everyone who doesn't like it because we are making it anyways so fuck all of you.") Why can't you just make a game making fun of something less controversial, because autism is not funny, there is nothing funny about it. I really hope you read this from a different point of view than the one you already have because this is seriously messed up.

Ya'll need to calm down. This game was pretty funny actually.

ACTUALLY, it would be much more effective to make fun of the self-diagnosed people who use autism as an excuse to do pretty much anything they want, ruining the reputation of those who legitimately have it. I think if anyone needs parody, it's THEM, rather than the innocent people who can't control this kind of stuff.

I would know.

I'm not even gonna touch this one. Is it funny? I hear it's not. All I hear is that it's tasteless, and the description doesn't help. Really, though, it's not funny to make fun of something so nonspecific. Autism can refer to so many different things. I don't wanna make you change anything, as I hate censorship, but there doesn't seem to be much value to playing this.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Tension Rising Remix by YouTuber: sasukeshika

So. This is an RPG Maker game. We're a bunch of High Schoolers. Take these terrible ideas and stereotypes with a grain of salt. We touch on some pretty dark, controversial stuff. We're poking fun at it. I don't know what else you want me to say about it. XD Perfect premise, ehh?

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor
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