Comments (108)

100% completed

Wait so how do i close the closet?

Spring pup Easter egg.
cam you port project midway
I figured out I need game-pad and one of the buttons to be shift, but I think the nightmare is bugged in the 2nd game.
Five Nights at Chuck's
For Android 4.0+
Five Nights at Chuck's 2
For Android 4.0+
Five Nights at Chuck's 3
For Android 2.3+
This is a collection of official Android versions of Five Nights at Chuck's games.
Here, I ported Five Nights at Chuck's games to Android for you.
Five Nights at Chuck's Chapter 1 Story
Welcome to Chuck The Cheetah's Italian Pizzeria!
Here, we have award-winning pizza, with your favorite characters! These characters sing and dance on the stage for the entertainment of grown ups and kids alike, they also like to walk around and greet people! Although, they act differently at night, they seem to think you're some endoskeleton without a suit on, so they will rip out your insides and uh... never mind. You should be fine.
Five Nights at Chuck's Chapter 2 Story
The year is 2025.
You are working the night shift for Five Nights at the animatronic warehouse for the upcoming establishment of Chuck The Cheetah and Friends. After the animatronics at Chuck's Italian Pizzeria were demolished by who is yet to be unknown, the company had to put them for storage, and make completely NEW animatronics! The CEO of Chuck The Cheetah and Friends Entertainment have a really exciting idea and a big step for the company. The next establishment has been confirmed to not be a pizzeria, diner, but something even better, and more friendly for kids and grown ups.
Oh yeah, and Fritz said good luck.
Five Nights at Chuck's Chapter 3 Story
So this is where it started.
It's the year of 1970, you are working the night shift for five nights at the first ever fun-filled pizzeria with adorable characters, this place is known as "Chuck the Cheetah and Petey The Panther's Pizza". Here, you'll meet all kinds of characters with amazing jokes, and stories! They will keep everyone company, even you!
Wiki:Â http://five-nights-at-chuck-the-cheetahs.wikia.com/
Official Skype Fan-Chat:Â https://join.skype.com/ySdKJ4wO8MQO
Joshiriah - Animator, Character and Map Modeler, Main Programmer
Toonster - Co-Programmer
Brain Shock - Support, Drawings, Ideas
ZachTheKidd - Characters, Story Writer, Programmer, Character Models
TrueKingWaffles - Support, Co-Programmer, Poster Drawer
Brain Shock - Support, Drawings, Ideas
CrystalDragon3568 - Characters, Story Writer
TrueKingWaffles - Support
#fnaf #other #fangame #horror #action #platformer #scifi #survival #pointnclick #android #androidport #androidports #androidversion #androidversions
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Strong Language