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demo in devlog

CANDY-makes his way to the office from the stage

Cidny-she can blur out the camras to help herself and the other animatronics

Blank-He waits for his chance to attack therew the tiket both

chester-He dosnt kill the night guard but he has to 6am to mess with the nightguard

penguien-can disable doors

Old candy-He can place empty suits from the parts and servise in the hall to trick the guard to thinking he is there

The rat-Extrenly stealthy the rat can slide fastly from any room and can rip open the tiket both door

shadow candy-He can teleport anywhere and shape shift into anyone #fangame #fnaf #horror #action #adventure #rpg #scifi #pointnclick #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf




candy isn't fully finished yoy can only travel threw the left side of building

demo out soon

almost finished candy on new version new version is beter

the new version is doing ok

new menu

its starting from scratch and I have to remake it I need time to think about what I should do

I treid puplishing it to fix it but that didn't work if you can

play using the link below if the game works

this is unfinished

well the thing crashed and wont work like all my other projects I might as well give up im trying my best to get the game back on track

terrible news the project wont go on

so a little info on the game

you can play as candy,cidny,the rat,chester,blank,penguien,old candy and shadow candy

new funtions

chester-he is driffent than in the game he has to 6am to mess with the night guard

shadow candy

he can shape shift

working on blank candy is easy to win as so I have to fix that but things are going well