
Comments (13)

What do you think?

I recorded the version 0.3.0 , i liked the game

Hey bro, good job on getting on the front page

You got some neat ideas here. Here's some of my suggestions:

  1. Fix the walls glitching (Visual bug that makes a tear in the wall, only showing white there for a second)

  2. Make a visual timer for the music box

  3. Work on the jumpscares (so they they work as a real jumpscare)

  4. Make the flashlight much larger but less bright (it is pretty much useless in this demo)

  5. Make foxy's speed slightly slower

  6. Give the player a way to defend against the animatronics (I suggest a taser to stun the animatronics for a few seconds)

    I wish you luck on creating your game, and I hope you take some of my suggestions :)

im downloading it now

This is my first game ever. I made it because Scott Cawthon is retiring so I wanted to do something in honor of him.

This is just an alpha release, just so people can test it and give suggestions and stuff. Don't expect much from it yet, it's nowhere near done. #horror #fangame #survival #fnaf

Fantasy Violence

0.6.1 is here:

foxy might work. I honestly don't know xD

there is now a 6 minute timer. when time is up, you win!

i'm considering cancelling story mode due to my lack of experience and skill in game development. If so, the game will still receive updates, such as new characters, mechanics, map updates, etc.

I might take a break from game development for a week or so because I want to learn how to use Blender to make custom models. yeah.

I turned off occlusion culling because it was causing glitching in the walls. if anyone has performance issues, please let me know.

0.6.0 is here:

i think foxy was broken in the previous update, he's fixed now, and moved into the bedroom rather than the closet.

added withered chica

(most) of the animatronics now have better textures.

found out i was doing textures/materials wrong this whole time.

the animatronics will look much better in the next update :)

Oh yeah also foxy now stays frozen for a few seconds after you take your flashlight off of him, so you can now run away from him instead of staring at him until your impending doom.

What's new in 0.5.1?

door sound effect

minor map updates

added Nightmare.

nightmare abilitys: He is invisibile until a short time after he sees you. when he sees you, he will also play a certain sound.

If you have the oculus app on your device and it opens when you run the game, don't close it. this will cause the game to close as well. I will try to fix it in the next update.

What's new in 0.5.0?

added ambient music to make the game spooky

added balloon boy

BB features: has very bad vision, makes noise when he sees you, which disables your flashlight and alerts foxy of your location. also his eyes are weird 😂 (temporary)