Comments (534)
Betrayed. Abandoned. Your Darkest Delivery is coming. Don't be late.
How do you play I'm new to game jolt
my worst fear

Congrats on 600!

Me got
Forsaken AR iOS ("Bonnie" Server, New Players)
iOS Version of Forsaken AR! You can find a installation tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNhciex5TqY
Forsaken AR Android ("Bonnie" Server, New Players)
Android Version of Forsaken AR! You can find a installation tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1KqiT4ZLrU
Forsaken AR iOS ("Freddy" Server, Accounts Made Before 2/15/2024)
If you played Forsaken AR before Feburary 23 2024, download this if you play on iOS!
iOS Version of Forsaken AR! You can find a installation tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNhciex5TqY
Forsaken AR Android ("Freddy" Server, Accounts Made Before 2/15/2024)
If you played Forsaken AR before Feburary 23 2024, download this if you play on Android!
Android Version of Forsaken AR! You can find a installation tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1KqiT4ZLrU
Game Soundtrack
Corrupting Dreams - KamilFirma
- 1.Corrupting Dreams - KamilFirma
- 2.Last Place To Hide (Phase A) - KamilFirma
- 3.Last Place To Hide (Phase B) - KamilFirma
- 4.Too Cool for Forsaken (Unused Molten Freddy Ambience) - KamilFirma
- 5.Caramel Apple - KamilFirma
- 6.Caramel Apple (Clean Rip) - KamilFirma
- 7.Spooky Browsing - KamilFirma
- 8.Lapin Lullaby - KamilFirma
- 9.Force of Will - KamilFirma
- 10.Sweet Suite - KamilFirma
- 11.Winter Deals - KamilFirma
- 12.False Promise - Kamil Firma
- 13.Last Present - KamilFirma
- 14.Elegant Cognition - KamilFirma
- 15.Augmented Panic Attack - KamilFirma
- 16.Catastrophe - KamilFirma
- 17.A Weasel, Cat, and Bear Walk into a Bar - KamilFirma
- 18.Come Back to Us - KamilFirma
- 19.Burning Passion - KamilFirma
- 20.Infernal Inflation - KamilFirma
- 21.One of Those Musics - KamilFirma
- 22.Forbidden Showstopper - KamilFirma
- 23.The Twisted World Of Chocolate Freway - KamilFirma
- 24.Totem Panic is Coming - KamilFirma
- 25.19th Totem Project Rabbit King's Garden ~ Unfinished Oooh of all Living Na Na - KamilFirma
- 26.TRUE END REPRISE - KamilFirma
- 27.It's Me, Again - KamilFirma
- 28.JJ's Black Market - KamilFirma
- 29."He Who Pulls Thy Strings"; Little Concerto, 3rd Symphony in Necromancy Minor - KamilFirma
- 30.Necromancy-Based Trade System - KamilFirma
- 31.LOL - KamilFirma
- 32.Lolbit's Retro Games Store - KamilFirma
- 33.The Darkest Delivery - KamilFirma
- 34.Happy Forsaken New Year - KamilFirma
- 35.Trick or Treat - TropicaDude
- 36.Purplevoid - TropicaDude
- 37.Burning Ambience - TropicaDude
- 38.Underwater Ambience - TropicaDude
- 39.Forest Ambience - TropicaDude
- 40.He's Out There - KamilFirma
- 41.Hey Guys - HollyFlower
- 42.It's Me - HollyFlower
- 43.Dog Sunday!!! - HollyFlower
- 44.You'll Never Live To See Another Monday! (Unused) - HollyFlower
- 45.Large Pat - TropicaDude
- 46.Can You Hear Me - TropicaDude
- 47.The Mangle - TropicaDude
- 48.Dance Of The 16 Bits - TropicaDude
- 49.Merry Holiday Spirit - KamilFirma
- 50.Geiger - TropicaDude
- 51.Earth to Freddy - TropicaDude
- 52.Square Off - KamilFirma
- 53.Home Doomsday - TropicaDude
- 54.Nosing Around Your Home - TropicaDude
- 55.FIREBLOCKED - TropicaDude
- 56.Easter's Whisper - 12GaugeOrchestra
- 57.Pots & Pans - TropicaDude
- 58.Circus Gallery - TropicaDude
- 59.Birthday Boy - TropicaDude
- 60.Beginning Of The Yennd - TropicaDude
- 61.Mechanical Order - 12GaugeOrchestra
- 62.BoniGaming - TropicaDude
- 63.Gear Shoppe - TropicaDude
- 64.Timeless Clock - 12GaugeOrchestra
Forsaken AR is a modded client of Five Nights at Freddy's AR, that continues from where Illumix left off. Forsaken AR adds a ton of new features and content to the game, while keeping the best parts of FNaF AR, including:
Brand new skins, with more to be released over time!
Brand new characters with custom CPUs, with even more to come in the future!
Brand new exclusive profile icons to collect!
Tons of quality of life improvements, tweaks to mechanics, and lots of bug fixes!
Live service adding new content each and every month, active support, and much, much more!
If you're a fan of FNaF AR, why not try out Forsaken AR? There's so much fun, fun, fun, to be had, with all of the same content that made you love the original!
For installation tutorials and support, please join our community Discord:
For updates on new content, please check our Twitter:
Forsaken AR is only what it is because of a variety of people - here they are!
Modelers: @CharlieTsun , @Craftedd
, @Illuminato
, @NeedyNerd1
, Jaiden, @Hysteric-Panda
, @etti
Texture Artists: @GoldenAdrien , @Craftedd
, @KatieDev0211
, @CharlieTsun
Animators: @Hysteric-Panda , Arrow, @Craftedd
, HollyFlower, @KatieDev0211
, @VyrusGames
, @Cassiepult
, @boxsoft_official
, @GoldenAdrien
Sound Designers: TheTVBunny, Kathryn Stanley, @TropicaDude , @XanderAlsip
Composers: @KamilFirma , @TropicaDude
, @12GaugeOrchestra
, HollyFlower
Programmers: @OP_Amqerica_HPE , @ForsakenBonnie
, @OrtonLongGaming
, @KatieDev0211
Renderers: @etti , @MLSpence
, @Craftedd
, @OP_Amqerica_HPE
, @CharlieTsun
, @KatieDev0211
, Arrow
Concept Artists: @ThePerfectionist , MP, Flashlight
2D Artists: CanvasChloe, @sockslollmao , @BonnieGamer16
, @CharlieTsun
, @Hysteric-Panda
VFX: @GoldenAdrien , @VyrusGames
Director: @TheCNE
Soundtrack/OST by KamilFirma, TropicaDude, HollyFlower, and 12GaugeOrchestra
KamilFirma - YouTube || TropicaDude - YouTube || HollyFlower - YouTube || 12GaugeOrchestra - YouTube
Google Drive link to Soundtrack
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling