Comments (17)
Just like that I read the description of the game and it seems really great (be cause I didn't play it yet :( ) will add in future updates more levels???
Excellent game :)
This game was great! Really loved the idea. I made a let's play of it. In about thirty minutes, the video will be up at http://youtu.be/c7QqmYTyxT4
The controls are glitchy and unresponsive and the soundtrack seems like it's just a bunch of loops sloppily thrown together in GarageBand. I know because I'VE sloppily thrown loops together in Garageband before and I recognize a lot of them.
Meanwhile, the concept is pretty overdone, which alone I wouldn't count as a big criticism, but considering that the levels are incredibly easy and you didn't have a very unique take on the concept, this game seems far from worth anyone's time.
can't download
A fun puzzle game that is still in development. The object of the game is to flip gravity in order to make it past obstaclese. Currently with only 50 levels.