
Comments (1)

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I credit all the musicians as soon as possible! I'm not stealing jack without tellin' you.


Main Game

Version: 0.1.2over 6 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Stronger than a Goddamn Banana


Freefork- Programmer, sound designer(for the original sounds) and sprite artist(for most sprites)

Daniel Docherty- Music composer

Joshua Tomes (Brodux)- Music composer

For soundtrack 1 & 2, the following artists/sources created the music:

Frost Cat, MVC3 Soundtrack, Michael Fontaine, Shrek Superslam Soundtrack, MVCi Soundtrack, King of Fighers XI soundtrack, Bubsy Woolies Strike Back soundtrack and Persona 4 soundtrack.

Actual description:

Hello everyone! This is Duo Damage(previously called Freefork the game)! It is a game starring a few well known fighters with new egos and movesets. Use the system inspired by Super Smash Bros Project M and Melee, while using the intense mechanics of a Marvel Vs Capcom game.

Default controls: (Used for menus when game starts)

J: Jump/Select in menus

N: Attack

M: Special

Shift: EX

Control: Swap

B: Launcher

H: Shield

Space: Grab

Enter: Pause

P: Taunt

Instructions to change your controls:

Changing controls is pretty tricky. To do so, you must go into options, profiles, and then change the controls on one of the empty profiles. Then choose said profile when entering battle/training mode. If your controls stop working, press F12 to reset all controls and then delete to reset the game. Don't map up and jump to the same button! Use this to also set up custom controls for multiplayer.
WASD to choose and Z to select. In the battle/training mode menus, tap your jump button to select a profile, and press again to start selecting character options.

Basic Tutorial:

You use your attack, special, launcher, and grab(with direction on movement) as an attack. Holding EX and pushing the attack, special, or launcher button will cause you to spend your super meter(which is gained as you do certain tasks) to do powerful attacks. You can defend against attacks with the shield button, however you are vulnerable to grabs. If you are next to certain edges, pushing the grab button in the air will allow you grab the edges.

More info on how to play will appear as time passes. I just need time to type, yah know?

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

The newest version of Freefork Game is here: Duo Damage!

Go check it out! There is a trailer on the main page. It adds one new stage and bug fixes.


The release date is in December... but things change!

Anyone ask for a November release date? ‘Cause you got it!

I releasing this game tomorrow around 6:00 pm Eastern Time.

Get hype!

Finally, a real gameplay video.


EX Moves are here!

Use meter to buff or change your attacks!

Teammate Mechanic?

More specificiations will be presented at a later date. All I got to finish was boring Menu stuff and custom controls:

Combos in Freefork.

All characters will have a launcher attack and multiple supers. This will allow players to have a lot to explore in the punish game: