Comments (32)
great game but here's some recommendations
Allow wall walking
make it so you can dig and build colonies
other ants with AI
improved models
I was considering saying "new sounds for the ants and spiders" but I actually think the current ones have their own charm. I freak the hell out every time I hear the screeching violin even though the spiders arent that scary themselves
Bagaimana cara menginstalnya sehingga dapat di mainkan?
I remember playing SimAnt on my grandparent's computer so I was pretty stoked to see antsims are still out there! :P I made a let'splay video, please let me know if you have any objections :) (yours is the second game) https://youtu.be/LO4FwyBZGs0
geam pls talk me to intro on game
geam pls talk me to intro on game
Note from the Developer: This is the full release of GiAnt, the first game I ever made. Released around 4-5 years ago on Steam, this game, although I am proud of it, did become a little bit of an eye sore for me. I have grown a lot since my tiny ant days, and alas, I couldn't help but feel that this little ant was holding my other releases back. This was ultimately the reason why I cut it from Steam last year. Upon cutting though, a few fans spoke up and wanted GiAnt to have it's place somewhere on the internet. So here we are, Game Jolt, you have become the new home for this tiny hero. I hope you take care of him.
Please note, there are so many bugs in this game, and not just the tiny ant variety. Take it for what it is, the beginnings of a career of an Indie Developer, who thankfully got better since his tiny ant days.
Orion Moon
What is one small step for a human, is one GiAnt adventure for an Ant....
Become an Ant in this fun filled first-person platformer from the indie solo developer at 'Wreck Tangle Games'. Roam vast human sized worlds as a tiny little ant, but this is no Ant Simulator! This is an AntVenture! Our protagonist must find sweet delectables whilst being hunted by all manner of creatures, animals and insects!! Spiders, Fly’s, Rats, Wasps, Cockroaches and even humans will stop at nothing to get rid of the ant infestation! Candy isn’t just lying around either; puzzles fill the worlds blocking you from success! Solve the puzzles whilst avoiding, running from or fighting your enemies! Hit enemies with your trusty match stick to make a path to safety!
You have been nominated as the sweet collecting ant, the most challenging of all food collecting teams, as those fatty humans do not often drop these little delectables. You must roam vast human sized worlds hunting for those goodies that have been littered by man, but not all treasures are just lying around, obstacles and challenges will get in your way at every corner. Plus, you're not the only one looking for food either, while collecting our tiny hero must avoid or fight other insects and vermin who are hunting for the same thing (*and don't forget those pesky humans).
You are equipped with a Matchstick to fight with and your 'Antdar' a natural radar that all ant's possess, this will help you find the next candy piece, power ups and even your way back home. Power ups are scattered around the worlds to help you survive and reach previously unreachable areas! Jumping higher or running faster may come in useful.
So if you think you're GiAnt enough to....
See your world from a different perspective – Experience everyday areas from an ant sized height.
The Garden, The Cinema, A Nightclub + More
Use your “AntDar” to find food, secrets and power ups
Destroy enemies with your trusty Matchstick
Solve human sized puzzles and conquer mankind’s obstacles
Use Power-Ups to escape tough situations
+Super Speed, Super Jump and Invincibility
= Plus so much more
Remember... You may be small to some... But anyone can be... GiAnt
More Than Just an Ant Simulator, this is an AntVenture