
Comments (22)

What do you think?

ты лучшая!!!!!

Будет ли английская версия игры?

Translation: Will there be an english version of the game?

А игра 8сё? Даже старая 8ерсия не будет залита?


Андайн одна из главных героев?

Название я так понимаю про неё.

Before the appearance of the seventh human, the underground lived an ordinary life. However, a child with incredible strength does not want to let go of the world after traveling. Resetting everything to zero and erasing all memories, a human did not take into account only one thing. Two monsters (or someone else too) that remembered the past and got the opportunity to change the history. What will come of it? We'll find out in the course of history.

Undertale by Toby Fox

#undertale #other #fangame

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

I wanted to finish the first part by the end of February, but I broke finger on the dominant hand. The visual part is postponed

Я хотела закончить первую часть к концу февраля, но сломала палец на преобладающей руке. Визуальная часть откладывается

Кусок первой части будет идти от лица Санса. В будущем от его лица почти ничего не будет (я надеюсь)

A piece of the first part will be from Sans' face. In the future, there will be almost nothing from his face. (I hope) And translate puns so hard.

Main menu image is done! I also decided to work on english translate, but it'll take a lot of time. But I'll stay Determined!

Главная менюшка готова. Работы много, но я решительно иду к цели!