Comments (7)
I found this game pretty challenging, and pretty cool. Good Job! I included it in my Game Jolt contest 10 compilation series, if you'd like to check it out!
Great start. I can't wait to see the more difficult levels! :3 4/5
have no idea
How it's easy to plan a party
Windows version
Linux 32 bits version
For #gjcontest10. In progress.
Playable only with mouse and, maybe, touch.
Clic (or touch) the first screen (after read the goal game text, of course) to start the level 1.
November, 16th : Hey, a new version of "How it's easy to plan a party" is available (v0.2) ! It includes random properties, 3 difficulty levels and some new generated characters. Now, you can also download the game with desktop versions (WIN, MAC, LINUX), or play it directly with your browser on Gamejolt, if you're in hurry. I implemented Touch controls, but I didn't test them. I confess. If anyone has something to test, he's welcomed :)
If I have time until tomorrow night, the end of the contest, I will provide a more complete version, maybe with musics and other sounds, and, the most important, more randomness, more different cases, particularly with the phone phase, too much simplistic. I hope, I hope :)
So, until there, what is your best final score after the preparation of the 3 parties ?
November,14th : Hello there, I'm proud to present the first playable version of my Game Jolt contest game "How it's easy to plan a party" (v0.1).
So, it's a 0.1 version and it's not finished at all.
What's about ?
You have to organize a party, and invite the good people (it's quite awkward, isn't it =) ).
A party has a place to be, objectives to respect, and people have caracterstics, preferences, secret hates between each of them. You have to reconcile all the parameters and make the best party ever.
Make all objectives fullfiled and invited people happy, and you'll do a great score. Yes, in fact the goal of this game is to have the best score.
In this version, the game parameters are fixed. The party has 3 objectives and a maximum of 2 people. The potential guests are Jim, Joe, Alice and Lucie. Jim is in love with Lucie, Joe is a fun guy, Alice hates Lucie, etc. Good luck.
Obviously, there is one (very easy) combinaison to maximise the final score.
In a future version, all parameters will be random. Names, faces, caracteristics, objectives, etc. There will also be more levels. The first with a 2 people party, the second with 5-8 people and the final level with 12-15 people. Headache :)
A lot of work remains here... I hope until the end of this contest, the random part will be include in a new version. Stay tuned !