Comments (6)
The enemies have been fixed, now it is a proper game!!
Cool game. Those enemies spin like crazy :D
Quite the fun little game! I included it in part 18 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/hbJdgBGRbIU

Game Soundtrack
My first game project and #INDIESVSGAMERS entry!
A classical space adventure paying homage to great Golden Age cabinet hits!
IT IS FINISHED! I've been researching games from the era I want to simulate and paying attention to the small details that give that arcade feel I want to achieve for this Game Jam's theme.
Objectives down:
All-around arcade feel, graphics, and engine
Player controls
A basic enemy to beat around
Lives and score management
That cool jingle when you start a new game
Stage-clearing and difficulty progression
Different enemy types
I couldn't get to implement secrets...! Too bad!
Sadly I'm a team of one but development has been smoother than I expected, so I'll do my best to make this as good a game as possible within the allotted time frame. So far it's been a great learning experience, so I'm already taking something positive from this! But for now, onwards with development!!
By the by, I'd love some feedback on which platforms you would like to see this game on!
Windows standalone
1024x768 preferred