Game Soundtrack
JOLLY: Freakshow - Main Menu Theme (Old Version) | by TeraDuck

You got the first job as a night guard at Jolly's Fantasy World. A fast-food chain partnered with Freddy's where you will carry out for 6 shifts, not for protect the place, but also for keep the attractions working to ensure that they will work perfectly in the next days.
Do your job...

3D Modeler: @tolapuzus
Animator: @tolapuzus
Programmer: @tolapuzus , @lxnar_games
2D Artists: @Random_User3 , @TodokuMike2bitches
, @GreatYassin_
VA's: @Sim_Naum
Soundtracks: @tolapuzus , @Heyday
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore