
Comments (50)

What do you think?

Hey, found a bug in Mr. Beautiful's turf, if you jump off the left ledge where the B.B.B. who says "This fucking sucks" is, you land on an invisable platform that soft locks you

"Another one"


I do like the direction this seems to be going in, the sprites are nice, keep going!

Why is there a switch that literally makes you unable to use the village entrance door after interacting with the coffin?

It would be good if you could interact more with the corpses and objects on the map, the fact that when you interact with a corpse there is not even a message that it died makes the game feel dull and in an alpha state.

I also feel that the option to switch to widescreen should be had from the beginning of the game, and not when killing Mr Beautiful, that and fixing the balance.

Soo.. the game is very cool!, but i seem to have a trouble, 3 times in a row i've been fighting bolo rn and well he can't die i've try joy, no joy, the fight have been almost one hour and bolo just don't die i haven't use the "hold" option in the cutscene but i don't wanna use it, so i will wait if it fixes somehow.

Lisa: Orange Edition is a set of twin mods for Lisa: The Painful, and The Joyful.

Features include new sprites, improved gameplay, some new content, and other fun stuff. You'll have to play the mods to see. Right now you can only play Joyful: Orange Edition, but when I finish the other one, you will be able to play both. :)

Join the discord for teasers and whatnots. It also makes me very happy.
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(This project is not an offical part of the LISA series, nor is it affiliated with Dingaling *or* Serinity Forge.)
#lisa #fangame

Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor

New sprite for Grip Ripper, the original on the left of course.

Been very busy with school recentley but still finding time to make daily updates. Here's the resprite of one of Big L's men, Bullet Tom

Up next I'll be working on the "Big Lincolns" area. Here's a little teaser of his sprite. Soon i'll be working on his four goons.

As of today, the Lardy section is 100% done!! To celebrate, here's a close-up of the man himself. Expect more updates daily.

Wrapping up with the Lardy's segment today, all that's left to do is finish the cargo inside and draw a new Lardy sprite. Here's everyone from Lardy's section together.

Almost finished with the Lardy segment, working on putting sprites i've already made into the game, adding a cutscene, and finishing revamping the maps. Here's some sprites for the ambushers.

Still working on the Lardy segment. Since every enemy leaves corpses, my solution was that after the fight an animation would play where they go flying backwards. Right now it's just a big nern as a placeholder. Here's some resprites of the dunk dudes.

I would like to do daily updates. Today I'm working on the Lardy section. Always felt it was a bit underwhelming, so i'm thinking of adding another section after the truck ride where you jump across trucks that are moving. Maybe not tho, might not be fun.