
Comments (7)

What do you think?

I tried to do a playthrough of this, but came across a few problems, starting with having issues when Henry turned human again.

I really enjoyed this! It was made in RPG Maker right? I enjoyed the amount of effort that was put into this game. for e.g. when Alexia has to speak with the king, instead of doing that straight away i was able to explore the town. I Bought everything from the weapons shop as i found 100 coins in someones house! This was awesome and as a big Zelda fan this was right up my street, Great job!

Was this Made In Unity


I saw the sequel, HYPE HYPE HYEPEEE


If you have any issues or bugs with the game, feel free to pm me or contact by email.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use
Comical Shenanigans



Should a new character be added to Legendary Heroes? You can vote here See you in the next news post!


Legendary Week is now August 15. Also for Legendary Week, the person with the best game will get their character in my game. The top 2 and 3 best game will get something else. See you in the next news post1

Update 3.1.0

Legendary Week

Legendary week will begin August http://7.It overlaps with bear week so be http://aware.For legendary week i will host a game jam for http://it.Submit your games http://there.Also remember to put a sword emoji next to your http://nickname.See you in the next news post!


Iā€™m making a legendary week for legendary heroes i will put another news post for further news of this http://week.Also this legendary week is for legendary http://heroes.See you in the next news post!

Update 3.1.0

The next update is arriving soon. It will feature more mechanics and a new http://character.Who is the new character,you will have to wait to see for http://yourself.Also leave some comments to suggest what should i put after this update. Later!


Legendary Heroes has gotten a hundered views on its http://page.If you have any suggestions of what should I do for 100 views leave it in this news article. See you later!

Legendary Heroes is finally released

Legendary Heroes is now on http://gamejolt.Remember to leave feedback in the comments. Also if you loved it rate the http://game.Sorry since this news post was announced http://later.See you later!


Iā€™m sorry the game didnt work and i apologize for that.I decided to upload the game as an zip instead of an standalone http://exe.Give me feedback to see if the zip worked.