
Sail with us through space in the world of LAZ3RZ! You can currently choose one of 8 available characters and meet friends & people around the world
in the social area or battle your enemies in one of the arenas.

Join the Alpha Social Servers and get a feel for the upcoming playmodes!
1 Versus 1 / 2 Versus 2
Join the early competetive queue to test your skill inside one of the arenas.
Free For All / Team Deathmatch
Jump in to the action by simple entering the portal to another dimension to face the endless chaos that is about to unfold.
Enjoy the Social Area
Just chill inside the social area and meet people. Maybe check out the ranking boards on how well you're doing... or bad.

We hope to deliver a lot of more features and content in the future. Our current goal is to develop a good feel about the game and to slowly implement the competetive features until
we reach the status of beta. If you're curious, sail with us on the adventure!