Comments (32)
und bei dne platformen wo man hoch auf den berg kommt heit wo der diamant bei der palme ist und den berd herunter slide und die ganze seit gegehn die wand lauf du wirst unten beim wasser stoppen
it was hard to find one but if you go from the two island to the wooden platforms and try to jump on the 2 wooden plate and try to slide down from the hill and hit the ecke of the wooden plate you will stuck
lets see if i can find a glitch here
Hello SgamerProductions, could I possibly record and monetize off of your game "Lenny and the island" for my youtube channel?
hey bro i can help you modeling if you want.
Lenny & the island WebGL
Lenny & the island Windows Standalone
No download or plug-in is required. Thanks to WebGL you are able to play the game directly in your browser.
You play as Lenny and your goal is to collect as many diamonds as possible and to reach the treasure chest which is at the white tower on the hill.
All you have to do in order to reach the tower is to jump on platforms and not fall into the water.
This game was made for a school project.