Comments (8)
Oh hey! this was trippy, It kind of reminds me of rainbow road in mario kart but on a psychadelic trip?
Did you compose the music? what tools did you use?
I've managed to score only 2282 by cheating and leaving the mouse clicked so the gun behaves like a machine gun, heh heh. You should keep expanding this.
This game was weird, fun, colorful, trippy,and fantastic! I enjoyed it. Though it was kinda difficult to aim and actually hit some of the colorful animal shapes, I still managed to hit some somehow. You should make a longer path!
Let's Play: http://youtu.be/5CmojepdlMM
It looks cool
Hey Man I Did A Lets Play On My Channel About This Game!! I Thought It Was Awsome And Keep Up The Work :D
Have A Great Day
I love the atmosphere, just like I love pretty much everything about the game. I anyway think there are some minor issues with the actual range of the gun, in more than one occasion I've found myself focusing on a moving target that I wasn't anyway going to hit due to the distance.
But hey, congrats on this, it's definitely my favourite entry so far.
Linear Dream
Made in seven days for the 7-day FPS challenge (http://7dfps.com/)
Join me on a psychadelic trip.
Press W or up arrow to move forward and speed up
Press S to slow down.
Left mouse to shoot.
Go faster for higher score multiplier.
Credits: Engine: Unity (http://unity3d.com) Ultimate FPS Controller from VisionPunk (http://www.visionpunk.com)
Some art from clker (http://www.clker.com), others by E. DeNicholas(KhaoTom)
Target Meshes created using UCLA Game Lab mesh creator (http://games.ucla.edu/resource/unity-mesh-creator/)
Design, Programming, SFX, Music, and sundry by E. DeNicholas (KhaoTom)