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Age Warning: This game is rated Teen, but due to the themes and content in the game, you must be at least 16 years old to play. If you are under 16, you and a monitoring parent/guardian are responsible for any content you encounter.


[To preserve the original description written by Null-X, it has been moved beneath this description instead of being deleted. The original description will not be removed unless I get permission from Null-X]

[English] In a distorted, fractured world known as Vacan-85, a lone bunny named Alpha awakens with a single goal: To find meaningful connection with someone else within their world...but in the ever-changing world of Vacan-85, forces beyond his control work tirelessly to keep him - and everyone else - isolated. Disconnected.

Will Alpha break free from the chains of his loneliness, winning the fight for freedom and companionship? Or will he lose himself, and become just another forgotten piece in this reality?

[Русский] В искажённом, раздробленном мире, известном как Vacan-85, одинокий кролик по имени Альфа пробуждается с единственной целью: найти значимую связь с кем-то ещё в этом мире... Но в постоянно меняющемся Vacan-85 силы, неподвластные ему, неустанно трудятся, чтобы держать его – и всех остальных – в изоляции.

Сумеет ли Альфа вырваться из оков одиночества, выиграв борьбу за свободу и общение? Или же он потеряет себя, став лишь ещё одной забытой частицей этой реальности?

There won't be much drama in the game anymore!

Project is just a dream about something imperfect.


The game will tell about a small furry friend, looking for his place in society. There are many problems on his way and he will look for a compromise, the opportunity to go online will help him to get into people. Describing such a huge flow of data is naturally problematic for an ordinary person, but hope helps him to start all over again, to create a new world from scratch, where there will be no drama and problems with individuality, to be himself is his motto and he will be able to defend his rights, if they exist.


Our hero shows Generation A (alpha) | our time

They are dynamic users of the World Wide Web. Around 2 years old, about 80% of kids are already actively playing games on smartphones and tablets.

It's hard for me to imagine where we stepped into, it's a hole.

Main character abilities:

  • Unnecessary aggression

  • Knows a whole range of psychological methods

  • Knowledgeable and competent in many matters

In other words, communicating with today's children is very difficult. But this is a very promising generation that may well move our world forward.



GPU: RX 570
CPU: 2 GHz or faster
RAM: 4/6 GB ram
DISK SPACE: from 600mb to 3 gb


GPU: RX 5700
CPU: 2.5 GHz or faster
DISK SPACE: from 600 to 3 GB


Since the hero can't leave his hole, he desperately tries to find a solution among his notes and other things, surfing the Internet you can find a lot, in our case shops, forums, chats and so on, this greatly helps to move forward in development.


My Story:

God forgive me, I made a huge mistake by taking a huge leap into the hole.

I thought we would work together and share ideas, but everything did not go according to plan and I was misunderstood, because I wanted to make this game soft and gentle in order to soften my separation from loved ones. It’s hard for me to understand what everything has turned into since then, I value a lot, especially feelings, but this is a problematic topic for me.

It’s just that no one understands my need for love for my work, I just want to believe in the possibility of being together. I just want not to forget good people, but to have a conversation with them on different topics. I don’t want to argue, maybe you won’t take my warm feelings very well, because I just want to believe.

I was too open to this idea, describing the complex issues of my childhood dreams. Having gained experience, I now want to end this horror of my life and forget about my fears. I hope this will be the end of everything.

I’ll just close my eyes and hope that it won’t happen again.

Are you still reading this? Amazing, I’m still overwhelmed by your capabilities and free time, I hope this doesn’t sound so terrible.


I guess I began to look at the world harder, because before I thought that everything I thought about was a joke, but over time my dreams from childhood were destroyed and I wanted to try to find myself alone, forgive me, I may have gone too far.
In this place, I lost myself and it was difficult for me to find myself, but now I am again ready to return everything as it was before, I just want to say “I’m not doing this on purpose, I just need to focus on my thoughts, I don’t want to be under under someone else’s control, but I also don’t want to force someone to do the work for me and I also can’t tell anyone.”

I hope they won’t oppress me for trying to protect someone from childhood trauma, awareness of life stories does not allow me to live normally, but losing friends is also not easy, so I try to improve as much as possible, popularity or other things don’t matter to me things, I want to live as before and ask for forgiveness.

Moreover, I still love to draw various animals, because I like to create.

Okay, I'll start by saying that I'm really afraid of hard times, in terms of I never supported the way others are oppressed or information is spread online, it's despicable.

But, it’s not convenient to quarrel with people and I just want to let everyone know that I’m scared to discuss what they’re forcing me to talk about and I don’t want to confront people either, it’s just that sometimes I feel uneasy, thinking that some people might get hurt because of my fault.

I have to give credit to my friends, I didn’t want to quarrel or offend anyone, my religion just doesn’t allow me to take things calmly and my dreams are gradually fading away, sorry again, since I was silent about this before, but over time I met people who told me a little more than I could say then.
I don’t want to lie, my desire to find myself requires sacrifice and I began to give up what was expensive in exchange for something new. Having returned here, I want to try to share the warmth that I was rewarded with outside this place.

 @Vas-Poenitentiae , forgive me for not telling you earlier, I like furries and fluffies, I just didn’t have enough time for myself, in any case, thank you for reading my message, I didn’t want to upset you, I just want you to know that I’m not against these topics from today.

You might want to stick the knife in my back again, I wouldn't want to do that.

I admit that my group of friends with whom I communicated, it expands its circle, but I do not want to lose people who were dear to me, that is, any of my messages outside the territory of this application do not carry any special oppression, I try to agree that each of my team has the right to change their minds depending on the type of occupation, if my guardian or someone else is reading this, God forgive me, I'm blind and trying to somehow bring my team back to life, and not this fucking project, even if it's not right and my conscience will be oppressed for my actions, but I want people to know that I can't be serious about any things, life is a game and I want to believe in the possibility of fixing everything.


I repeat, I’m not sure that it’s worth thinking about death, but I wish everyone to be without this thought, it’s a strange topic and I don’t want to discuss it if it’s something serious.

Okay, even if I put an end to my personal space for the sake of those who have a desire to know who it is to live under the trigger, I won’t just let anyone leave and be in eternal oppression, this is my team and I just didn’t realize before that some of them are mine problems with religion can destroy it, I blindly believed in the dream, now it’s time to write how it should have been before.
For 2 months I was thinking about a wonderful opportunity and now...

Okay, I will say, I wanted to see this project as a temptation of the soul to those who are dear to me, even if you are still reading, know that maybe I am thinking about my friends, not relationships, this world is completely broken for me and I don’t see the point to tell who I really am, but I want to know that the person who appeared out of nowhere is not a figment of my bad head, but my student or even my future one, it was all a complete plan and I’m just confused.
I want to understand, can this story be real? does anyone believe?

Thank you for the free time allocated to my temptation, I hope it will be correct and something in this world will change for the better, even if it is not my life.

#datingsim #3d #platformer #shooter

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Strong Language
Mature Humor


"SUPER420" gives me the chills for some reason.

I don't even know why, something just feels off and uncanny about it.

It triggers some primal fear within me that something might be right behind me.

...this was never meant to exist, but it's getting added to I+U regardless

Second image is the wrapper for the can

Hmm, such nice pixel art of a house, I hope nothing weird happens to it...



Development continues

With the recent release of a HTML game on this page, I now have a better idea of how to design the world of I+U.

This is what I have so far.

MarTHA's in-game model is complete @PixProtogen1

This is just a basic render of them


Boring guitar atmosphere for playing is going in progress
I decided to purely upload my small result :> #rock

So I've decided to make my own page for this game, where I will include only my contributions to this project. This is the page:


Oh my god, it's actually starting to sound good...I think...

Okay, just a tiny bit more tweaking is all it needs, and then it will be ready to add to the music player.

@PixProtogen1 Is this good so far?

Grrrrr trying to make this MIDI sound spooky is so haaarrrrd! >:(


Been doing some more work on the remastered menu theme, which I have named "Code Is Eternal"

It's still not complete. Just a bit more modification and it'll be ready.