
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Simple but well made game! I included it in part 12 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Not a bad game. It just seemed a little sort and too easy. I would also suggest maybe some background music. I also made a video of my gameplay on Youtube if you wanna check it out here:

-3/10 no memes


Low Battery

Version: 1.0.1over 9 years ago

Low Battery

Made for GBJAM 4


You play as a gameb--err handheld game console that is in desperate need of a fresh set of batteries. As you move, jump, or even do nothing at all, your battery levels will drain. If you run out of battery, you will lose.

Your goal? Last as long as you can and get to the end. It's actually really short, so that shouldn't be a problem...


Cursor Keys / WASD - Movement, jumping, menu navigation, right and left is used in the options menu.
Space - Jump
Escape - Quit
IJKL - Camera controls for "Freecam" mode

F1 - Changes window scale
F2 - Borderless window (may be buggy)
F3 - Reset Level
F4 - "Hotline" mode
F5 - Toggle "Freecam" mode
F6 - Cycle Level
F8 - Godmode

This game was made for #gbjam 4. I used Visual Studio 2015, MonoGame/XNA for the programming, and Gimp for the art. This was the first time I had created anything with MonoGame, and I don't have much expereience with pixel art either. The jam happened to be during my vacation, so I wasn't able to make use of all 10 days for development. If I had more time, I would have liked to add sound effects, spruce up the pixel art and add more levels.

10/10 would game jam again



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