Comments (7)
Someone must of rated this a 1 can they at least tell me why or are they just downrating.
That is weird it worked fine for me.
It looks like theres a problem converting the string but I don't know how it would be fixed.
action number 1
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object shipobj:
Error in function real().
Ahhh! Couldn't play. Graphics looked great though.
its gay cus the concept.
not rates
How do I answer the question? And where do I see what the question is?
Nice concept. Like it. dev on!
Math Space would be a normal shmup but it has a difference. To fire the weapon you have to correctly answer a Question. Right now it only has addition and subtraction but I plan to add more operations later.
Note:to clear some confusion the question is labeled target