Comments (2)
The only complaint I have is that the ALT difficulty notes are out of sync with the vowels, other than that, nice mod.
Story: You and your girlfriend Were bored so they decided to go to that one church,and they heard a voice-
Oh,it's Sarvente talking with someone on her phone.
You and your Girlfriend walk to her,then she decides to call that person later.
And now it's time for a nice round 2!
ninjamuffin99,KawaiSprite,evilsk8r,Phantom Arcade-FNF Creators
ShadowMario,RiverOaken,Shubs-Psych Engine Creators.
@GrapeTF_Alt / @GrapeTheFox - Director,Charter (Demonstration,Aggrovation,B-Side Angelius),Coder,B-Side Sarvente icon
MetallA-Charter of Gracious,Made Sarvente's B-Side Sheet.
Rev-Composer of Demonstration and Aggrovation.
Roller Lhite-Composer Of Angelius and it's b-side version.
NicStyle-Charter of Angelius.
RVC Extra-Composer of Gracious and Timetable.
ElSaxeBro-Composer and charter of Stressful Heartache.
Alt. Download Links:
Gamebanana: (TRASHED)
Google Drive:
#fnf #fangame #sarvente #ruv #mfm #midfightmasses #midfightmassesround2 #mfmround2 #other
Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Mild Language