Current Version = Alpha 0.1.1
W/A/S/D | Movement
Spacebar | Bomb
Mouse | Fire
Alpha 0.1.1
Added placeholder sprite for the explosion
Replaced BlankBomb text with official sprite
Added more bomb mechanics; they now explode
Added Soulless Star and MIdO health
Added mechanics for shooting, and the official sprite for BlankBullet
Added official BlangSymbol sprite
Added basic healthbars, and a nice function that removes the health bar of MIdO unless he gets hurt
Added first controller, monsters now spawn in the room with a 1 in 40 chance every step.
Alpha 0.1
Added official sprites for the Wall, and the Soulless Star
Added placeholder sprites for MIdO, and the BlankBomb
Added AI for Soulless Star and mechanics for the bomb and MIdO
Added changelog.
Known Bugs
Sometimes you can get caught on a wall, and you're unable to move off. No known way to fix, or cause yet.
Patrick Rummery
BlankBomb sprite
SoullessStar sprite
BlankBullet sprite
Vavel Xue
Wall sprite
Special Thanks
Patrick Rummery