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Murasame Warriors is an open-world RPG based upon The Mysterious Murasame Castle. It has a long deep story line with tons of places to explore and places to discover. It is truly a gigantic RPG with much to do.

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language

The Murasame Warriors Beta Tech Demo is live!

The Murasame Warriors Beta Tech Demo is now live for everyone to enjoy.

E3 Murasame Warriors Schedule

Murasame Warriors Beta Tech Demo Distribution

E3 Announcement

As E3 gets closer and closer, I can announce that Murasame Warriors will be shown off during E3. Be sure to look out for information on the game as E3 occurs!

Sample Music Distribution (June 2, 2015)

I have added a sample of music from Murasame Warriors. Please note that the songs I put up are NOT the full soundtrack, just a sample. Also do note that I do not own all music.

Current Development (May 27, 2015)