Comments (84)
Nights of the Phantom
The old, broken version. I don't suggest playing.
Nights of the Phantom V2
Remade, redrawn, reprogrammed from scratch. Have fun!
Come be the part of the brand new Phantom and Friends' Pizzeria! We welcome you to your brand new job! After several years of work, our grand opening has come upon us! We can't wait to see you join us!
Hello, night guard. Sorry for the long nightshifts, but I'm sure that you'll be alright. I understand that you have severe nyctophobia, but I promise you. Take a deep breath, stay in the light, and you'll be fine. Darkness is the LEAST of your worries.
Art: @DigitalCat01
Programming: @DigitalCat01
Music: @Littb__
Tester: @KostaVesta
Phantom/Priscilla/Shadow/Ash: @DigitalCat01
Lit: @Littb__
Zion: Fox Box
Blaze: Pumpkinuwu
Phone Guy: @TheGameSalmon