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Oakshade Acres

Version: 0.0.2over 4 years ago

The northern land of Oakshade has been sold to unknown buyer from across the sea and buyer arrives today! Oakshade Acres is a relaxing, open-ended exploration, building, crafting collectathon. There is no stress or rush here so you can play it at your own pace.

Current Public Version 0.0.2 (Update no 2)

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This is a very very early prototype version of the game, so there's very very little in the game. You can basically chop down  trees and break rocks to get resources, use those resources to craft one of 6 objects, to build them. And that's pretty much it at the moment. Oh there's also a prototype fishing.

On the other hand there's a lot of done in the game that is not as visible in the size of the content in game - inventory, building system, crafting, cut-scene system, dialogue system, real-time clock, so all of the future updates will focus on adding content.



Updates since the last version:

  • Saving and loading functions added  - the game will autosave every minute. The option to change autosave frequency, as well as manual save will be added in the upcoming updates.

  • Two new areas added - Spinach Crossroad and Oakshade Arboretum (every chopped down tree will regrow here).

  • Few furniture to build has been added (more stuff coming up).

  • New resource added - iron ore (even though it's not used anywhere in the game).

  • Two new fishes added.

  • Graphics updated.

  • Also from now on axe is your only tool for gathering resources, that means you'll use it to chop down trees and break rocks. Mallet is still used to destroy stuff you've build, but this will change in the future updates as well.


#sandbox #openended #lifesim #building #crafting #townsim #farming #fishing

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