
Comments (7)

What do you think?

SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Molten freddy has arrived

This Will Be Good

This is gonna be a great game :)

it's seem great for this character. (comicpear seem doing a work.)

Am I the only one that thinks the turtle looks a small bit like Blank from FNaC?

Check out my YouTube:

As part of a dare, you stay inside an abandoned factory overnight. However, four killers dressed up as characters from a popular kids show are inside with you. You must find a way to escape without dying...


@Miles_Game_Studio - Modelling

@PacMan1987Real - Modelling

@grenda2 - Concept Art

QNA (Questions and Answers):
Q. When will this come out?
A. Idk

Q. Who are all the characters?
A. The ones we have planned are Oscar the Kangaroo, Timmy the Turtle, Kady the Cow, and Samson the Dog.


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Minor Setback

Progress Update

Why There Might Not Be A Demo

Development Updates

New Updates!

Hey guys!
So, for Oscar's Factory, I'm going to make it a partially free roam survival horror game. This means that you can explore the factory, do certain things while you explore, and try to survive for as long as you can.
Thanks for being patient.

Hey guys!
So development has been slow as of now. At the moment, I'm working on my own stuff on YouTube. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for some models to be finished.
The game isn't cancelled, but I'm just really trying to get things moving, but I can't.

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