
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Figo, molto bello, anche divertente... e rage xD

I want a Key.

Simple but well done. I included it in my 2 Colors Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out :)

The fact that the app closes when you lose discourages retrying the game, which is the opposite of what you want

Simple little game, but the screen is off center... You should probably fix that :P


PIXEL Adventure Halloween Edition

Version: 1.3.1-halloween2014almost 10 years ago

Control the pixel in all the 10 levels of the game! Go to the end of the game!

The game was created in 24 hours by PARROTcat Games for the #2colorsjam and using the PARROTcat Engine(Not all features implemented)

Use the Arrow Keys for control the little pixel

This game was also made for #10leveljam


Quest'opera è stata rilasciata con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale. Per leggere una copia della licenza visita il sito web


New Update!!!!!!!

Game have a "publisher": GAAV

Update of game management #02

Update #03

*ERROR*PIXEL Ad can't work FIXED

*ERROR*PIXEL Ad can't work

Update #02

Hi, finally I posted a New Update!!!!!!! No, there isn’t music but there are Secret Update and some Bug Fix!!!!!

Update of the Game Management #01

Update #01

Relasing 1.0.0