Comments (27)
Made a video - https://youtu.be/9EU4ju0Y4fc
Pocket Dimension Clash Coding Wip Live Final Boss
Nice to see an update on this :) i really love your OpenBOR & Mugen works!
when do you'll update on this project?
Pocket Dimensional Clash 2
Version 2.12 -
• 17 playable characters in total (unlockable)
• Customized controls - Choose between Classic Controls (with motion controls such as D, F + Attack) or Modern Controls (Pressing just one button + directional pad).
• Works on official platforms: Windows, Android and Linux (not tested).
• Does not work on platforms such as WII, PSP and any legacy platforms.
• Adaptative Difficulty
=============== ABOUT ===============
Pocket Dimensional Clash 2 is a beat 'em up game, like the good and old Streets or Rage, Final Fight and many others and its a spiritual successor from the original Pocket Dimensional Clash, for Mugen engine.
The game is still in early stages, so any feeback is very welcome!
#=============== UPDATES ===============
Version 2.12
17 playable characters in total (unlockable)
• Customized controls - Choose between Classic Controls (with motion controls such as D, F + Attack) or Modern Controls (Pressing just one button + directional pad).
• Works on official platforms: Windows, Android and Linux (not tested).
• Does not work on platforms such as WII, PSP and any legacy platforms.
• Adaptative Difficulty
=============== HISTORY ===============
You will go visiting different dimensions (games), fixing the timeline (Like in the Exiles comics) lead by Blink (Marvel, ClariceFerguson(Earth-295)).So you will see chars from different games together.
Playable chars until now (can be changed on the future)

=============== INFORMATION ===============
NES-like styled graphics only (not a straight NES style, but close to that)
NES-like sounds and music, with some made by myself.
4 players
Initial roster of 4 or 5 playable chars. You will unlock more chars once you progress in the game. I am targeting something like 20.
NPC chars which helps you through the game.
Made using the OpenBOR engine. You can know more about the engine here: http://www.chronocrash.com/forum/
If you have already finished the game, please share your feedback with me by accessing this form (caution, contains story spoilers) https://pt.surveymonkey.com/r/HPQPPYB
=============== BACKGROUND HISTORY ===============
Pocket Dimensional Clash was one of my fullgame projects done for the Mugen engine, back at 2010.
In fact, its an evolution of a very old project, from 2002.
You can check the Mugen version, which won't be developed anymore (at least, not for now), here: http://brazilmugenteam.com/chars-2/chars-ilusionista/pdc-beta-released/
Mugen videos at
There were many reasons to stop it: the roster getting too big, I've developed a great template but it was very time consuming and a bit hard to code, the clash of styles (HR effects on NES sprites, something I liked on the past but now I just hate), the move for the Mugen 1.0 would be VERY tedious to do (since I use Z plane and the newer version of mugen doesn't have it anymore)...you got the picture.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans