
Comments (6)

What do you think?

I really like the animation in the intro, and the music.

It took me a while to figure out how to how to direct my shots, but it is very interesting.
I like the history behind the game. Is there an end? (The end of plastic tank)

The "bad" is that on DoubleScale it looks blurred :(
So, I prefer to play it on normal scale :)

The art and the music in this game are very good. The gameplay on the other hand is very strange and i don´t really understand it.

Kinda glitchy, but good game! I included it in part 1 of my GBJam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

[If you like the game, please do cast a vote at]

Nature is a catastrophe. Fusion power forty years away. Entropy will quieten all the buzzing rings.

Cheery thoughts like these lured environmental engineer Hamish Hamilton into building his very own liquidification chamber. Little did he know that a ride inside would allow him to poke a hole in the rubbery membrane at the bottom of the universe and let in a refreshing shower of limitless energy.

Can you help Hamish ride his plastic tank down that wave of creation?

Solving the world's problems - a #gbjam3 work in progress

Check out the current development build at

And other games at:


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Twitter: @Archbang85

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Crass Humor
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