
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Thank you for not letting the work I did go to waste, I hope you are doing well ☺️

I really enjoyed what I could of the game. Now just waiting to hear back from the creator so I can get back to the morphin'! I'm also working on my second game and this game gave me some inspirational ideas! Thank you Dream Games! Please get back to me. I'd like to hear from ya!

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Years ago, an intergalactic being known as Zordon unleashed what is known as a Morph Bomb upon his death. Destroying evil across the universe.

Ten years later, massive gates appeared all across the universe. Vomiting monsters and causing massive destruction. 

Humanity learns to tap into the Morphin Grid, creating his own team of Power Rangers for the military. The Space Navy sends the Power Rangers to the Desert of Despair located in Rutabaga 6. Your job as a low class soldier is to pick up after them. 

Thank you for playing!

Some of the Monster/ Power Rangers sprite work were on made by the talented grant858 and @jareddufour1 @JaredDufour .

Power Rangers: Masters of the Grid is an RPG game that features:

· An original story that reacts to canon events.


·         An original cast.


·         Space exploration.


.      Power Ranger fights and at will transformations.


·         Zord and Megazord Battles.

Gameplay Legend

Z= Action/Enter

X= Back/Exit

Movement = Mouse+Left Click or Arrows.


Guard Recovers HP

#fangame #rpg #powerrangers #rpgmaker #scifi #superhero #superheroes

Comical Shenanigans
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