Comments (42)
This is a great 'I don't know where dafuq im going' simulator :3
I actually enjoy the music more than the game, lol. If you have spare time, could you please tell me how you made the Menu Screen soundtrack?
that ending theme
it brings back memories all the way from yesterday
wanted to play the game for so long and after 6 years managed to find out about emulators
Gran juego Squine Mode, es adictivo y tiene multiplayer local, lo que lo hace muy bueno para jugar con tus amigos, los graficos son muy cutres y retro(me recuerdan mi gameboy) y la musica, no cabe duda que los chicos de newgrounds saben como hacerlo, en resumen, es de los mejores juegos retro que he jugado :D
si tuviera dinero en paypal les donara xD
great game :)
Muy buen juego, me encanto....de verdad es my viciante. Les dejo mi video, como forma de agradecer.
Disfrutenlo! :D
por lo demas, es genial ver juegos de coterraneos :)
REGEN [Pre-Release]
Game Soundtrack
*Regen***it's a basic platform game, the objective of this game is to move as much room as possible without dying, you can collect coins for upgrades to your character.
The game features progressive difficulty, ie, meanwhile you complete more rooms will be more difficult, and you only have 10 seconds to complete each room (unless you purchase the +time upgrade), and only 3 hits to die.
Currently the game is done, the first version was created in 24 hours, and the last version on 2 months aprox. , only with a palette of 4 colors.
All the code & Graphics are maked by me, and the music it's from some guys from Newgrounds.