Comments (4)
Despite not getting what the real story is and supposing there are secrets I couldn't get, I still enjoyed it! The ambiance, the disturted sounds, the desings, all are perfect for this kind of bizarre experiences.
Though like everything and anything it isn't perfect.
My only issue with the game is the controls of the 2D sections being clunky.
With how the game is structured, this could've been an outstanding Doom mod!(Asuming you come from developing doom mods.)
Ok so, now talking about the story. I don't know XD, I just have pieces I gathered around:
-Main protagonist is christian in some way.
-Main protagonist is related to the circus, clowns or performing.
-The protagonist suffers of psicological diseases because disociates sometimes.
-Blue christals work as ammo for some kind of unknow weapon.
-I once was transported to a gray area with a red disturbing face flashing. I believe this is the face of the protagonist because in the 2D sections the protagnist has a red face too.
-Giant poker face that chases you has something to do with the protagonist's mental state.
-In the 2D sections you have to fill some tubes to pass, this may be relate too.
All and all, I love this kind of bizarre games. Keep going
btw I know the sotry is explained at the end, is just that It went too fast for me to read XD
You can find my review down in the description.
Good Job! Keep Up The Good Work!
This game is weird, but I rather enjoyed it.
ola gostei muito do seu jogo e cheguei bem longe mais qual e o final ;-;
rusty heartbreak labyrinth
no good ending
*Photosensitivity warning*
Estimated Playtime: 30 minutes
inspired by Corridor 7, Kanoguti, Sad Satan and LSD Dream Emulator.
#horror #shooter #other #altgame #creepy #mystery #experimental #exploration #abstract