
Comments (28)

What do you think?

haha.. 130bpm. not bad.. =)

ugh pewdiepie <3

Challenging but fun game! I included it in part 45 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

it was fun to play....hope pewds play this game :/

it ok


Run Till You Die

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

Indies VS PewDiePie Jam "Run Till You Die"

2 days of slacking, 1 day of panic.

Zpolt & Buko-Studios manage to pull off this "Rhythm Tap Game" in unity, playable on desktop, web and mobile.

Match the beat, and throw in some extra sounds to entertain your watchers.

You can do it bro's. :D


BTW.. the special sounds are just for fun right now.. we had better plans for them.. about 20 minutes before we had to head to work.. :}

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