
Comments (107)

What do you think?

Looks really good, artstyle looks pretty. It's good that you communicate a lot with your followers about the game.

I'm also working on an SCP game, so if you want, you could check that out as well

come on guys finish this game it must be so shit if its not finished smh i already found the github and the trello i have images to leak if you dont release the game smh.

im so hyped

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Overview (Title)

SCP Breakdown is heavily inspired by the popular game SCP Containment Breach. If you're a fan of the original game or the SCP Universe in general, check this game out!

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Reference
Mild Language

Damn, 200 followers

173 followers on SCP Breakdown...


strawpoll has bots so i cant use that. This will have to do. SCP Breakdown is gonna have to require a reset due to not getting files before programmer left. Sorry about this problem. id like your opinion on what to work on.

Alright, so basically i am pretty sure our programmer left the project to work on his own game, I've also lost contact with him. This means that the game has a high chance of being cancelled and i want your opinion on the matter.

i deleted poll (bots)

Hey again, not too much development since last post but still, got another poll for you and i would enjoy if you answer considering this has to do with the future of this game.

Hey again, sorry for being quiet

some development has been going into SCP Breakdown but we have mostly been getting better at game development and finishing off the programmers project

also sorry for slow development.

Alright celebration time, we hit 100 followers, We also might change how the game plays, would you rather the standard scp experience where you try to escape, or would you rather play as the mtf or ntf

Alright, currently the games probably going to have a premade map, scp 173, scp 999, a couple items and a couple unique areas, if i can ill make a random gen system but dont count on it.

So the game will still be in development, i might post get the very early prototype build but there not much to do due to the issue. Sorry for delay.

Alright got some polls for you, for items and scps