Generic naf RP // Five nites at freballs ( parody of most fnaf rps )
|| Wannt money? Do you, Really, Really. REALLY? Need money? Well then, come on down to freballs pizza.
We are now hiring, We are very much in need. of a night guard. Ignore our past history. That was all rumors!
You'll be working from, 12 a/.m. to 7 a/.m.! All you have to do is stay in the office, And protect the place from intruders! nothing can go wrong! ( right? ) ||
What to expect:
10: Stylized versions of the main games cast, And locations.
9: A shit ton of badges!!!
8: events ( hopefully )
7: Huge ass map
6: sick ass lore
5: wayy too many characters
4: currency.
3: Security breach map. ( stylized!!1 )
2: honest attempt at trying to add scary shit
1: i dont ucking knowq stuff ig
taags ignore!!: #roblox #fnafrp #idksmthirllyhavenoideawhatim #fnaf