Comments (10)
Physics are a bit wonky and the ball glitched through a wall once, but still really satisfying every time I finally hit that 10,000 mark! :)
Hey!, really nice and difficult game! :). You did a great job with this game.
What do you think about our? goo.gl/SnsZ4Y
Super freakin challenging game. I included it in part 14 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/wTctj-w5CU4
Fun addictive game. Also quite simple! I loved the noises! Ecspecially the bouncy one.
Maybe you could check out my game too
Simple, interesting and addictive. I went "last try" more than 10 times haha
Come to check ours too!
Sky Ball
In this game you have to mantain the ball in the Sky in more time possible. And will get point.