
Comments (1,085)

What do you think?


i rickrolled somone in this game lol

da best game

GOD DAMN! i didnt know smoking weed in the game meant you lose levels, now i paid the price for smoking weed twice, Also devs can we have a feature for pvp being turned off like sonic being able to latch onto tails's hands while he flies? :]

@FranckLecaille The game is telling me to go to a version that never existed


Sonic USB Online

Version: 1.45.761 day ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Sonic USB Title

This game is an online Sonic CD style fan game.

The game contains
- 40 playable characters
- 7 playable badniks
- 159 pets to collect
- 8 different zones for a total of 22 acts
- All Sonic 1 levels (18 acts + Final Zone)
- 5 classic 2d special stages
- 4 mode 7 special stages
- 1 blue sphere special stage
- A mode 7 level with an airplane
- The online version of Sonic ISO (9mini levels)
- The 3 first levels of Sonic 2 ISO
- A level editor
- Emotes and PVP skills
- You can custom the color and add effects of characters and backgrounds
- A bestiary where you can see the captured badniks
- Fishing ability

The game is regulary updated to add new contents
#fangame #retro #multiplayer #isometric #sonic #online #platformer

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Use

1.39.44 update list

1.39.28 released

1.39.11 fixed bugs list

1.39.00 content list (many things are not listed to avoid spoil)

1.39.00 fixed bugs list

Game reupdated to fix some bugs.
The list of the content of the updates will be released soon.
Have fun =)

Hello everyone, the game has been updated to 1.39.00
Have fun =)


Hello everyone, the game server is down since many days.
It will be fixed with the new update that will be released soon.
Today or tomorrow.
See you soon =)

Rami Nana-Hikari in Sonic USB - Trailer
Rami Nana Hikari sprite sheet made by @partdise15official70Thank you very much for this very cool work =)Trailer made by @mapingua Music : Don't go outside b...

Here is a very cool video made by Darby from Blue Television games.
He will reach soon the 600 000 followers, if you want to be one of them, don't forget to subscribe to his Youtube channel to support his work.

NEW Sonic USB Update! - New challenges, characters, pets, levels, and more!!!
NEW Sonic USB Update! - New challenges, characters, pets, levels, and more!!!👾 FREE Online Sonic Multiplayer: Level Maker, 30+ Characters, Secrets, Collecta...