
Comments (1,084)

What do you think?


i rickrolled somone in this game lol

da best game

GOD DAMN! i didnt know smoking weed in the game meant you lose levels, now i paid the price for smoking weed twice, Also devs can we have a feature for pvp being turned off like sonic being able to latch onto tails's hands while he flies? :]

@FranckLecaille The game is telling me to go to a version that never existed


Sonic USB Online

Version: 1.45.761 day ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Sonic USB Title

This game is an online Sonic CD style fan game.

The game contains
- 40 playable characters
- 7 playable badniks
- 159 pets to collect
- 8 different zones for a total of 22 acts
- All Sonic 1 levels (18 acts + Final Zone)
- 5 classic 2d special stages
- 4 mode 7 special stages
- 1 blue sphere special stage
- A mode 7 level with an airplane
- The online version of Sonic ISO (9mini levels)
- The 3 first levels of Sonic 2 ISO
- A level editor
- Emotes and PVP skills
- You can custom the color and add effects of characters and backgrounds
- A bestiary where you can see the captured badniks
- Fishing ability

The game is regulary updated to add new contents
#fangame #retro #multiplayer #isometric #sonic #online #platformer

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Use

The server will open in some minuts. Thank you for your patience :)

The, the game server is closed for some hours. Thank you for your patience.

Hello, the game has been updated to 1.42.178.
Have fun :)

Hello, the game has been updated to 1.42.117.
Have fun :)

New Darby BTG video. Have fun :)
Thank you Darby

New Mario Levels, Characters, and BOSSES?! - Sonic USB NEW Update!
New Mario Levels, Characters, and BOSSES?! - Sonic USB NEW Update!👾 FREE Online Sonic Multiplayer: Level Maker, 40 Characters, Secrets, Collectables, and MO...

hello the game has been reupdated

Game updated to 1.42.21, have fun :)

Game reupdated to version 1.42.13 to fix some ugly bugs, have fun :)

Hello everybody, the game has been updated to 1.42.10.
Have fun :)

Trip the sungazer in Grassland - Sonic USB Online
Sonic USB Online new UpdateSonic USB Online on Game Jolt USB Discord