
Comments (5)

What do you think?

hey there, i decided to make a full-game, one-video walkthrough of Splatbat. i think i've shown everything there is to the game, but i have a feeling i've missed something. anyway, here's the video:

a lovely game that stands out in the midst of all other rpg maker ones for it's zanity, a rather genius plot, good jokes and unorthdox gameplay. very good.

i wrote down some things of note while playing the game - if you ever think of updating here, please them into account. to players - beware of spoilers:
- enter doesn't actually open the menu. Esc does the trick, though.
+ the book is rather helpful, i like it. though it lies about going to east of Terra town - you can't go there...
- the guys in the boss rush building sometimes block the entrance while wandering aimlessly around, rather annoying
+ i like the loot box - wish there was more of it. love me some randomness....
+ SODA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- what's even the difference between the rusty mace and the rusty axe lmao
+ THIS GAME HAS JOKER PERSONA 5 also love the subtle commentary on the nature of paid DLC's with the persona 5 pack - the stuff you get from it is pretty busted. just like how items from paid dlc's often break game balance, too...
+ i like the level selection a lot - it's a great alternative to the otherwise linear, railroad-y gameplay that other rpg maker games have.
+ the animated battlers are all pretty cool!
+ i like the option to heal before the boss battle, though the message often spoils the surprise...
+ i like that you can replay levels and it actually works!!! game dev magic right here.
+ the secret slavi-cola stash was a great detail :)
+ the shadow dice is the best item ever. love it.
- the first switch doesn't change visually upon being flipped
+ rip Wan da hood lost a real one that day
+ joker behind bars #freemyman
- you gotta pay 20 rocks for the medic snacks, "on the base" my ass >:(
+ i like all the different items you get in the game, consumables and equipment included, though their overabundance is grating in the later portions of the experience.
+ i love the snom plushies - a great way to incentivize exploration and going back to levels :)
- lmao why is the mech battler so pixelated
+ "Robat" lmaooo the name is genius
+ i like how Robat has electricity surging when using skills. nice detail
- why does everyone in the game talks like this! with exclamation marks at the end, i mean! it's not that bad but it's kinda silly!

all in all, the game is fantastic. a nice, hour-long experience with a funny yet serious at times plot, lovable characters (RIP Wan he was the GOAT) and a nice balance - if you don't use the persona dlc pack items. everything seems to be working well, too - i haven't found any serious bugs. well done, NinjaMaster. wish you and your projects well :)


Splatbat Orgins

Version: 0.1.0over 1 year ago

Join Splatbat, an ugly small bat that is on a quest to build a friend after numerous years of having no friends due to this looks alone! Explore 6 levels and help Splatbat build the friend of his dreams!
The game is a short but sweet emotional roller coaster!
Once you finish the game there is even a boss rush!!!

Not a masterpiece by any means but a small project I made for fun a while ago, and now have the confidence to make the game public!

Feel free to give feedback but be nice about it!
NOTE: Splatbat has refences to many video games out there: Persona, Splatoon, and more! #rpg

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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