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Star Harvest

Version: 0.6.9over 4 years ago
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Star Harvest Mac

Version: 0.3.5over 4 years ago

A physics-based survival space shooter that puts you in an open space star system where you must defend your Space Station from Swarms of Amoebic Termite Goop. Survival depends on effective reinforcement of your station with Star Harvest's pixel accurate destruction. Mine for materials, craft blueprints, weapons, gadgets, Modular Rocket Packs and Accelerators, and more.

#shooter #physics #sandbox #pixeldestruction #action #survival #space #basedefense #hordedefense #indie

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

New thin and expanded iron wall brush tool. Reworked thermal shader to add more depth, with heat permanence from thrust and damage. New enemy animations, damage effects. Improved arrow physics. Shift to double boost while holding S.

Will add shape based iron wall drawing tools in next update v0.4.3. Also currently all the weapons and gadgets are available to play with as a sandbox but the final game will have a blueprint based unlock system and item spawn systems.

v0.4.2 Fixes a lot of bugs I spotted with v0.4.1

Huge Update Star Harvest v0.4.1. Added a Powerful Gravitational Percussion Bow. Improved damage model to all enemies. Improved destruction.

Changed how walls are destroyed and how the grenades work. Also added a new main soundtrack to Star Harvest.

Changes to damage to walls and ores and major changes to grenades in latest update of Star Harvest v0.3.9. Also fixes to a couple bugs from last update.

Added place-able iron turrets that cost 400 iron

worked on physics, effects and bullets

Big update. Most guns drain iron. Added grenades. Better physics. Fire effects improved.

Added drawable walls and worked on the narrative more in latest update