
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Neat idea! I like the very limited ammo where you need to find new batteries to power up your laser. The tank melting animation is really cool. I love the laser bouncing ability, too! It feels a bit like a "chain lightning" attack in an ARPG. Definitely some cool mechanics you've implemented here. Nice job on this game!

I think the concept of controlling the game entirely with the mouse is interesting, but I'm not convinced it totally works.

didn't export to html


Aliens steal wifi!

Version: 1.3.4about 3 years ago

You have one UFO, and your mission is steal all the wifi that you can before the army of the Earth knocked you down! #arcade

Link to OperaGX:

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Now you can use the UFO of Player 2 in Player 1 Mode. This UFO use the keyboard instead of the mouse.

Now the game can be paused.

Now exists a second battery to make more easy recover ammunition.

Now exists a option to play in spanish.

I have receive complains about is annoying to share the keyboard, so I return to the clasic style of Player 1 with mouse and Player 2 with keyboard.

Some bugs with the enemy IA was fixed and now you must control the UFO with the keyboard instead of the mouse.

The multiplayer have receive some updates with the IA of enemies and the camera.