
Comments (18)

What do you think?

Ya need music? I may not be able to do a main battle theme but maybe a menu

Heya could i help ya on the game I'm a ClickTeam coder

Wait is it cancelled

do u have music for the game. if not i can make some if u like

this looks nice


This is the official page of Undertale: Storyspin, an Undertale fangame of my take in Storyspin.

Warning: This game contains spoilers from Undertale and its routes.

  • About the Game:

In this interpretation, some things change. The old Undertale style needed a little change because of the roles.

  1. The box dialogues will have Sans's font because they changed roles with Chara, which was one of the Narrators.

  2. No, Sans will not have KR.

  3. Sans's personality will be the same, but with some Chara traits.

  4. Some changes will occur to some character's stories and stuff.

  • Team and Helpers:

@vinna - Coder, Writer;

@DuxaBlaze - Spriter;

@OppoLacoste2469 - Spriter.

  • Progress:

Remaking everything.

#rpg #undertale #fangame #other #survival #platformer

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

alright so, thanks to xuong i got more progress. also, im remaking the game over screen because it was buggy lol

due to some problems, the songs have been removed.

i will look for other songs that can be used in the game.


Game Progress:

- Menu - Done;

- Game Over - Done, but maybe can have updates;

- Battle - In progress.

I might post other devlogs today or tomorrow. also, I need to find battle music, so I'm open to suggestions.