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Everyone worries about not having enough food, but what if you had to worry about having too MUCH food? Welcome to Sweet Land, where everything is sugary sweet food. Gingerbread houses, mountains of ice cream and pies - and a wide array of critters that would love to have you over for dessert - so they can feed you! In this adventure, follow pastry baker Cherrelle as she wrangles some of the most glucose-filled beasts to ever come out of the oven. You must resist the urge to eat them all, or you'll be one blob of a fox! Defend yourself with an icing blaster, and whatever other sweet recipes you come across!

This demo has four stages out of the planned sixteen. Default controls are arrow keys for movement, Z to jump, and X to attack. Hold down the button for a charge shot. You can also edit the controls, and there's support for gamepad functionality as well.

All music, aside from the title screen, was made by Kevin MacLeod of For full credits, see the in-game Sound Test.

Special thanks to GooBlueBerry for his assistance with animations.

#Food #Dessert #platformer #LevelAte #Chocolaterabbits #action #adventure

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Happy Holidays! Very shortly I will release version 1.05. This version adds two new mini-bosses. I did this to add some variety as two mini-bosses in the previous version used recycled sprites. Oh and the readme no longer claims you're playing a demo. ^^;

You will need to re-install, however your saves from the previous version should still work, so if the bugs did affect you, you can still pick up right where you left off. I always appreciate reports of any problems I may have missed, so please inform me!

A player has pointed out a few bugs that I had missed during testing. So, I am uploading a fixed version. My apologies for ending up with a dreaded "Day 1 patch" but better to patch than not at all. Also forgot to switch the game state anyways 0_0;

Full version released! Thanks in advance for playing <3

Good news: I am close to finishing up all the testing the game needs doing. If nothing big comes up then you can expect a full release as early as September 16th, which is my goal for getting the game out. Don't go on a sugar high just yet!

Those who have offered me feedback have my thanks as their advice has been crucial to fixing up issues and balancing the difficulty of the stages. Once again, thanks!

I have just uploaded an update to the demo version. It does not contain new stages, however you can now control the height of a jump by holding the jump button, you start each stage with one more life than before, the stages have been revamped, and more.

All aboard the cupcake train!

Progress is going smooth, so here's a preview of a sweet ride you can find if you're in the right place at the right time, and have the skills to get in the driver's seat <3