
Comments (10)

What do you think?

The first bats are too strong, I can't defeat them... But overall the game is very good ;)

I Can't beat first boss

the moment where people think he a she lol

Looks really fun, but imma point out that the first half of the plot is litterally tales of symphonia

Hey guys!


Tales of Filia

Version: 0.2.0about 8 years ago

Tales of Filia

			Tales of Filia is a game inspired by Sgt. Frog and the Tales Series. Filia comes from the Greek translation of "Bonds".

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			In Tales of Filia, The gameplay is hard. You'll need to farm enough money to buy more items, Explore the hidden and find items that can assist you and grind your characters to get more stronger. Bosses will be hard to defeat, so as monsters.

Goodluck, and we shall meet somewhere in the overworld.


Two worlds weren't supposed to meet. However,
A person made these worlds entwined.
Ever since that time, Monsters began to appear and
Natural Disasters never waver.
A few years passed, Humans, Who resides in the first
world has bonded with us. The humans collect gears
while we learn magic. Together, we defeat monsters
which continues to gradually grow stronger.
In sense of these, We form Guilds. Guilds are a group
of partners who does quests and defeat monsters.

  • Features | Progress

  • Season 1 Story | 40%

  • Characters | 55%

  • Mapping | 20%

  • Items | 35%

Cut-in (Currently Looking For Artist Just For 3 Human
Nothing Else. ;P) | 0%

  • Minimum Specs | Recommended

  • 2GB Ram | 4GB Ram


Developers: Red, Yellow
Artworks: Red, Yellow

Looking for Sound Artists, Visual Artists,Voice Actor (Battle)


Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

[Alpha Build 1.1] Released!