
Comments (3)

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Remember the game Tamagotchi? Well, what if you could have that game on your computer, with tons of new features! Including tons of upgrades to help raise your Tamago, different backgrounds to put your Tamago in, and lots of stuff to help raise your Tamago!. But that's just touching the surface about what this game can do. Follow the game for updates! #retro #pointnclick #other #fangame


Hey all, a little update. Busy with school and prototype is complete! Expect to see a update in a week.

A little background im working on!

sprite designs for my Tamagotchi themed game. Note: These are early in development, and it is hard to show the curves of an egg with such a small area. Please mind the "hand" that is at the corner. Follow the game page if you want to see more!

Oh! I should also mention this game is made with only 4 colors!

Hey all. First post for the game. Here is what the default egg for this game looks like.