Sequel to The Abomination Of Freddy's (Game is in early development still)
Check out the first game if you haven't |
Gameplay - 30%
Mechanics - 75% (Added scrolling, basic stuff, etc.)
Minigames - 0% (Not started yet)
Models - 50% (Need to finish other rooms)
AI - 90% (Fix some bugs and improve)
Sounds And Music - 15% (Need title music, and in-game sound)
Other stuff - 10% (Not much to do for this)
This game will include:
Free roam (similar to FNAF SL)
More characters
Secrets & More
@_portal - Main Programmer, Modeler
@realscawthon - Five Night's At Freddy's
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!