
Comments (36)

What do you think?

This game looks amazing good luck making it

Can't wait for 225/20 mode

just want to say, if you finish this game by yourself. i would respect you a lot

So this will pretty much be Ultra Custom Night but actually good and not 50% shitpost? damn can't wait

Can Dawko beat 240/20?


True Custom Night, or TCN, is; you guess it, another UCN fangame that adds all missing characters and the ones that came after. However, TCN is a little different from the rest in the sense that it focuses solely on the games; with a roster count of 225 characters from FNaF 1 to Security Breach.


NOTE: This section will change overtime.


Q: How many characters are there?
A: 225 characters will be in the base roster + 15 unlockable characters.

Q: Will book or merch characters be added?
A: Book and Merch characters will not be a part of the base roster.

Q: Do you take character requests?
A: No. All characters have either been pre-determined and any recommendations will either be ignored, or maybe considered for possible DLC (though don't count on it).

Q: Why aren't more Fanverse characters on the roster?
A: While the Fanverse games are official, I didn't wanna focus on putting them in them in the game since there'd be way too many. So to balance that out, I chose the mascot characters of each (and swapping in Creation over Ignited Freddy).

Q: What softwares are you using?
A: Clickteam, Blender and C4D. Versions of blender may vary and I'm not sure what version of clickteam.

Q: Why make a UCN clone when there's so many?
A: I just felt it'd be fun. Plus it's fun to say things like "I am making the umpteenth UCN clone!"

Q: Can I beta test/voice act/etc?
A: Nerp. VAs will be picked once I'm further into development and it's not even close to done so Beta Testing is also a no.

Q: When will the game release?
A: I haven't a fucking clue lmao, just don't expect it to be here soon.


I have many future plans for this game if it's ever finished. Those plans being:

Three DLCs!

  1. Canon Calamity - Canon characters from the games and books

  2. Alternate Media Nightmares - Characters from the Novel trilogy, Movies and Merchandise

  3. Hoax Custom Night - Hoaxes & really popular non-meme Fan-Characters

Note, these plans are only gonna happen if I actually end up finishing this game. Whenever that is.
#fnaf #fangame #horror #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Can I just take a moment to express how annoying AR can be?

"I'll finish off the roster with the 4 Ocean skins!" Only 3.
"I'll finish off with the 2 Screampunk skins!" We're getting 3.

I just wanna finish my roster man, but I gotta keep doing revisions.

Alright, I've been doing some roster reworking.
The roster will be revealed once this next AR event is over, and it'll have all but one character will be revealed. The last character will be anyone from SB that we haven't seen yet.