
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Another great game Andy. I'm so impressed (yet again) with what you've put together here in such a short amount of time. Please thank your wifey for letting you spend some time with the jam, it was well worth it!

A very cool concept and a well put together little game. I really love the look of this, especially the shadow effect when you've got robots on the magnet and the controls work really well. The track you chose for this matches in really well and sets an ominous tone.

Only a couple of minor things I think could have made this game a little better would be to auto hide the cursor once the games starts and some sound effects would really take the suspense and sense of urgency here to the next level. But I realize you were very pressed for time. Maybe include death events for if you drop scrap on the humans also, but then again I had a lot of fun slamming them with scrap hen I was waiting for robots to show up in the early Waves. :-D

Well done!

I've added Mac and PC downloadable versions, and tweaked the AI so that the survivors will stay closer to the center of the map.

I wish that the magnet could go all the way to the edge! Stupid people be getting themselves killed. Really nice game as always though andy! I included it in my TAG Jam 16 compilation video, if you’d like to check it out!

Super impressive that you've manged to put this together in the short time, I really enjoy the game and can't think of anything to improve it (other than just adding more stuff to it (more enemies, sound effects etc.) but obviously that you managed to put this together in that time is really impressive!

Cheers and well done!

Really cool game, nice to see you got so much work done even with a late start! Would definitely be a winner if it wasn't non-compo


The Foundry

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

This is a physics-based action game where you control an electromagnetic crane in a metal scrapyard/foundry to defend surviors from a robot uprising.

Game for #tagjam16 game jam. Non-compo entry.

See more info on The Arbitrary Gamejam 16:

Gamejam themes used: iron, exchange, companion


  • Arrow keys to move the electromagnet. (or WASD keys, or joystick)

  • Hold down spacebar to activate the electromagnet. (Y button on Joystick)

  • P to Pause

  • Z and X keys to zoom in and out

  • Escape Key to skip cutscene or restart game


  • Move metal scraps around to form barriers to delay the robots.

  • Drop scrap metal and robots into the vat of molten metal to melt them.

  • Drop scrap metal and robots into the crusher to make metal blocks that are tougher against robots.

Other Credits:

"Tenebrous Brothers Carnival - Act Three" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Iron Rod, free asset by Univeral Image from the Unity Asset Store:!/content/649

Misc Textures:

Robot concept from my previous game, Bigbot Smash:

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
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