
Comments (4)

What do you think?

It was incomplete and short but i'll be happy to see future versions

Awesome Game! I liked what happened at the top of the ramp ;)

Interesting game! You should add some pictures of it to this games page! I included it in my Meatly Jam 2016 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

Being developed for the #meatlyjam!

Explore the mysterious house and try to solve its mystery.

The game, at least the jam version, has some issues as I finished it like 10 minutes before deadline. I'll make a post-jam version which will fix some issues and add more content (it literally is 3 little rooms atm and can be finished in a minute).

The intended game was a parody of amnesia series, but well, apparently doing so on a single person team in 3 days (especially if you slack a lot) is not so easy. I'll continue updating it though, keep an eye on the devlog.

Cartoon Violence
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