
Comments (6)

What do you think?

wow, i can't wait...hope this game will be awesome :D

so its like Crysis 3's Mode isnt it?

The Hunted


There are 4 survivors with the choice to split apart or stay in a group to greater their odds of survival. There are "checkpoints" throughout the map where they can gather weapons/supplies to aid them. Each survivor will have a phone to use as a light source, but use it sparingly as your battery will drain. They can also gather car batters and generators but the generators take a person to either carry it or pull it. There will also be spot lights in the game so you and your companions could make shift a fort with power from the generators.

Survivor Classes
Doctor - One per map,

The Upside- Can heal others and self. If the doctor dies you will not be able to heal wounds and injuries as quick.

The Downside- Is at first he will be carrying a briefcase which will take up one of his hands unless he puts it down.

One per map,

The Upside- Naturally faster and stronger than the other survivors. Can gather supplies and other items quicker.

The Downside- Can only carry a little at a time.

Scientist - One per map.

The Upside- More aware of natural surroundings. Can tell what food/water is safe so no one gets sick.
Phone never runs out of battery because she has a solar powered backpack.

Downside- Has low health.

The Mechanic - One per map.

The Upside- Can fix vehicles or salvage car part and craft items the fastest. Has the biggest backpack. He can also hunt.

The Downside- He is slow and can not run for a long time.

The Hunter

The hunter starts off at the center of the map, equal distance from the survivors. He cannot kill them for the first 5 minutes of the game. He is unable to use guns and has to rely on his knife and compound bow. But he can set traps through out the jungle and starts off with very low health. He is fast and agile compared to the survivors. He will be able to locate survivors by using his sound sonar pulse. He also is equipped with night vision and regenerates health at night.


The map takes place in a jungle called "Sorrows Labyrinth". We may add other maps later on.


Day/night cycle

Server list

4 V 1

Hunger/thirst system

Large crafting system

and more!

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

Starting Out

So far we have the multiplayer script and some 3d models done. We have to get it to run a little smoother and start designing the map.